in his words


A great passion of Chad's was studying the human condition as it relates to the "game of life and business", what makes us tick, and how to stand out. Among the many papers found in his apartment, one was entitled "Business Development Playbook by Bad Chad." In studying many resources and concepts, he chose the below 50 "Best Plays" based on his own experiences in life and business.

Chad was a firm believer that your "uniqueness is your source of power." This meant not reinventing the wheel, but rather making your own "sales collage" by identifying 5-7 concepts or "plays" that resonate, adopting them, and then creating your own unique spin.
  1. Keep connected with your why.
  2. Find the third door.
  3. Habit speaking.
  4. Rig the system.
  5. Diagnostics (cause versus effect).
  6. Doing enough right.
  7. Plan all the way to the end.
  8. Reverse engineering.
  9. Finding 6th gear.
  10. "Act as if" - adopting personas.
  11. Speak in hymes.
  12. Use the most powerful metaphors.
  13. Half-life (when the curveball is sliding).
  14. Take opportunity/take risk.
  15. Battlefield determines the weapon.
  16. Kill the roaches.
  17. History does not repeat itself but it does often rhyme.
  18. Disarming HR.
  19. Dance in the rain.
  20. Invest time wisely - mistakes are costly and time-consuming.
  21. Become "that guy/girl".
  22. Swim with the current.
  23. Stale water stinks.
  24. Success is dynamic.
  25. Skate to where the puck is going.
  26. Who has really got you?
  27. Learn your native tongue.
  28. Take the road less traveled.
  29. Waiting for the other person to die = bitterness. Don't do it.
  30. Zoom out.
  31. Game theory.
  32. 3-5 moves.
  33. Find your suffering (pleasure versus pain).
  34. Figuring out your recipe.
  35. Always fully survey the scene.
  36. "Google it". You can't Google experience.
  37. Find your opening.
  38. Who is in charge?
  39. Winning move.
  40. Know your worst-case scenario.
  41. Spend time in the right space - it isn't about chasing what is important, but more about losing the thing that you care about.
  42. Cracking the code - unlock full potential.
  43. Offload risk - volatile assets.
  44. Picking the bottom.
  45. Hunter, gather.
  46. Happiness Comes from expanding your pleasures.
  47. Bigger heads are easier to get hit - you need to protect your neck.
  48. Network effect - engagement levels.
  49. Big doors swing on little hinges.
  50. Losers lose, winners press winners.


As much as Chad enjoyed living the "good life" and aspired to "make it big," his readings and memos also showed his desire to help and make a real impact.

While Chad was just getting started, below are a few of his quotes and reflections. We will expand on these as we dig deeper into his voice memos, notebooks and strategy notes. As Chad said in a voice memo in early April, "I'm sharing what I've learned to make it easier for others to go after what they want, faster... to get out of the batting cage sooner," followed by "whatever gets your rocks off." He also noted that nothing is purely original thought, but rather the result of several influences and experiences that helped shape and influence him.
"I've learned that you have to keep moving, to shed that cocoon to evolve. Sharks die in aquariums. Do whatever you need to do, the hokey pokey. That is where growth happens."
"The key is to update when things feel wrong."
"People can be predatory. Let's be honest here...f you think everything in this world is "Kumbaya", you are likely a schmuck."
"The prerequisite for success is for people liking you and for being funny, witty..."
"The key to getting attention is not to wave your arms. Walk in the wrong direction to be noticed."
"The longer someone takes to pause when answering a question, the more excited I get."
"One of the most important things I've learned is to make hard things look easy. Never show all the hard work you are putting in behind the scenes."
"I'm selfish and selfless at the same time."
"You have to go against the tide if you want to be unstoppable. You have to face who you really are and make it work for you, not against you."
"It is good to be underestimated. Let them sleep on you."
"You can use the pain of where you are to focus on the pleasure of where you are going."
"Getting lost was not a so matter a matter of geography, but more about identity."
"It isn't so straightforward how you chose your place in the world."
"You can set up so many goals for yourself and not achieve them time and time again to a point where you don't even trust yourself."
"I want to keep expanding outward."
"I'm obsessed with tactics."
"The best defense is to learn how to take a punch and react quickly."
"You can sometimes take your talent where your character can't sustain you."
"It's always the qualities that make you, that can break you."
First of all, if you've come this far, thanks so much for reading and for all the Chad love. Secondly, the quotes and strategies listed here are just a small sample of what will be added over the next few months. As Chad would say, we still have a lot of "sifting" to do :), including several more of Chad's notebooks (sales tips and strategies), documents, and voice memos. For anyone that knows us well, the good ol' "DeMarco kids" all carry somewhat of an obsessive tendency around "getting things right," so rather than delay this section for any longer, we wanted to post at least some of Chad's Words and reflections as soon as possible. There is no doubt that our family is extremely proud of Chad and all that he has accomplished. Having said that, as a sister who works as a Business/Leadership Consultant and Coach, I think many of his reflections, ideas, and tips can help and resonate with others, which was one of Chad's many goals. We'll be adding more of Chad's content over the next few months, so please check it out if you're interested. With love and appreciation, Robin (Chad's older sis :))

Chad DeMarco

May 1988 - April 2023

Thank you all for your endless love and support. 

In honor of Chad’s birthday and life, May 10th will be forever recognized as a holiday at Prodigy Resources. As Chad would often say, “Let’s keep this fiesta rolling.”
“Sometimes you have to be a lion, to be the lamb you really are”
Dave Chapelle
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